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Investment Services

General and specialized investment advice

The Iran and Malaysia Development and Trade Center, accompanied by people who are aware and knowledgeable about the economy, investment methods and laws of both countries, provides general and specialized advice to the investors and helps them to choose the best and least risky area for investment.

Do you need investment to develop your business?

Benefits of investment advice

Investing with the goal of growing money and helping the market cycle is a tool that helps you achieve the best possible return. But this is not so easy and the lack of knowledge and awareness about the economic issues of the day can harm you. For this reason, the best way is to get help from experts and get advice.

  • Profit forecast
  • Risk management
  • Management of financial losses
  • Drawing the investment and financial horizon of the company
  • Consulting in making investment decisions
  •  Providing tax solutions
  • Budgetary prioritization
  • Regulation of financial contracts
  • Introducing investment projects
  • Coordinating the provision of necessary guarantees for investment
    Investment consulting services for more profit